
Each pupil has a personalised learning journey designed to challenge and support them. The school has a rigorous half-termly assessment cycle to track progress in Reading, Writing, Phonics and Mathematics and results are regularly reviewed by the Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body.

Half-termly pupil progress meetings are also conducted with all class teachers to discuss progress and early action is taken to address any areas of concern. Parents receive termly progress cards and we hold Performance Review Meetings with parents of those children who are not making expected progress.

There is an Annual Assessment Week for all year groups and an annual report which is sent home to all parents. This is in addition to the termly report cards.

In addition to the above assessments, pupils also complete the following statutory assessments:

  • Year 1 (and 2) – Phonics Screening Check.
  • Years 2 and 6 – end of Key Stage assessments.

We also complete a Baseline Assessment at the beginning of the academic year for both EYFS and Year 1 and complete assessment against the EYFS profile at the end of Reception.

Click here to view information for Parents about the KS1 and KS2 tests.