
We take safeguarding very seriously at Galley Hill Primary School.  We expect all staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.  It is the aim of all staff at Galley Hill Primary School to create a culture of vigilance where our children’s welfare is promoted and where timely and appropriate safeguarding action is taken if needed.  To enable us to ensure Safeguarding relates to all aspects of life we regularly review all aspects of Safeguarding within school. 

Concerns about a Child

If you have any safeguarding concerns for a child, you must report them to a member of the safeguarding team pictured below.

Concerns Relating to a Staff Member

If for any reason you have concerns about the conduct of behaviour of a member of staff, you must share them with the Headteacher.

If you have concerns relating to the Headteacher, you must report them to the Chair of Governors, Mr Graeme McGregor.  Please contact the school office for  details.


Mrs Coverdale                                       Mrs King                                   Mrs Greenhalgh
Designated Safeguarding                    Deputy Designated                        Deputy Designated
Lead                                                Safeguarding Lead                        Safeguarding Lead