St. Nicholas Choir Festival
Dear Parent/carer
As your child is part of Galley Hill Primary School’s KS2 Choir, we are pleased to inform you that there is a local choir festival taking place on Thursday 20th October at St Nicholas Church, Guisborough, where Galley Hill Choir will perform.
Parents and carers are welcome to come along and watch the festival performance at 1pm (doors open at 12:45). Tickets are £3 each and will be first come first served. Tickets will be available at the door on the day of the festival, please have the correct money available. The choir festival will involve several other local primary school choirs performing songs for the festival. We would love to see you there!
We are planning to walk to the church (weather permitting) so please ensure your child has a coat and sensible shoes. We will be at the church all day so your child must bring a packed lunch and have a water bottle for the day. We are due to arrive at around 9:45am for rehearsals ready for the beginning of the festival performance at 1pm. Children will return to school at around 3pm so will be at school for normal home time collection.
Thank you,
Miss Rose and Mr Nixon (choir leaders).